Typically, these terms are interchangeable. However, I find there are vast differences in terms of the connotations each term carries. Erectile dysfunction is the term often used to describe a range of conditions — from an occasional inability to maintain or sustain an erection to a mild degree or inability to maintain or get an erection.

In contrast, the term “impotence” sounds very definitive, almost a complete inability to have an erection. This term has a very negative connotation. It sounds like it means a loss of power or no power, meaning that if a man has erectile dysfunction, he has lost his power, and I don’t think that’s true.

There are a number of conditions that can lead to erectile dysfunction in men, some of which include:

  • Age: Even in the absence of the other health conditions, age becomes an independent risk factor for erectile dysfunction. The age that doctors usually consider to be a risk factor for erectile dysfunction is about 50. However, it is not uncommon for men in their 30s and 40s to have erectile dysfunction.
  • Medications: Certain medications can cause erectile dysfunction. For example, those patients who have been prescribed beta blockers or other medications to lower their blood pressure will notice that these medications may also lower the blood pressure to their penis, which can interfere with their ability to get and maintain an erection.
  • Obesity: Obesity is a risk factor for almost every medical problem that we encounter today, and erectile dysfunction is no exception.
  • Other Medical Conditions: Often, general medical conditions that bring patients into the doctor, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, can also bring patients in to see an urologist about erectile dysfunction.

More than 90 percent of men will suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction at some point during their lives. This does not mean that the condition will be permanent.

In many instances, a man could wait before seeing a doctor if he believes that a particular event in his life may be causing his erectile dysfunction — for example, anxiety caused by losing a job, losing a partner and other types of situational depression may contribute to a man’s temporary inability to get or maintain an erection. However, if a man believes he is experiencing a persistent inability to achieve his goals sexually, this may be an appropriate time to talk to a physician.

I will ask you some questions, I can review your responses to the questions and stratify those responses according to a specific set of guidelines to determine whether the patient may be experiencing mild, moderate or severe erectile dysfunction. These questions also help us determine what might be the underlying cause of a patient’s erectile dysfunction — for example, whether it is a blood flow issue, anatomical issue, psychological issue or hormonal issue.

Knowing the cause of a patient’s erectile dysfunction helps us better understand the condition and develop the best treatment options for that specific case.

The majority of patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction can be treated by family physicians or family practice doctors. I’m happy to treat patients for this condition, but they do not necessarily need to see come physically, medication can be sent to their door step.

There are a multitude of treatment options available to treat patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. These treatment options include:

  • Medications: There are three different medications available to treat patients’ mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. The first pill is Viagra, which was the first medication released on the market to treat this condition. The other two medications are Levitra and Cialis. All three of these medications are very safe and very effective.
  • Injections: Another treatment option for erectile dysfunction is an injection, which requires a needle that is filled with a special medication to be directly inserted into the penis.
  • Herbal: There are a number of herbal treatments Shilajit gold and vigomax forte.This is a long term medication though before it shows results.

Medications that have been developed to treat erectile dysfunction can be very effective for certain patients. Men who have mild or moderate erectile dysfunction often experience great results after using these medications. In general, approximately 70-80 percent of men will experience some benefit from using these medications.

There are some minor side effects associated with medications developed to treat erectile dysfunction. These side effects can include headaches, facial blushing and upset stomach. A very small percentage of men who take these medications may also experience temporary vision disturbances, such as seeing blue or a blue discoloration in the background.

Men who have coronary artery disease, particularly those who take nitrates or nitroglycerine, should not take these medications. These medications can cause a very unsafe drop in blood pressure for those individuals.



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