
Treat ED Now With Tadalafil

Uses of Tadalafil

Tadalafil treats erectile dysfunction and urination difficulties due to a condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy. Often Cialis refers Tadalafil for treating ED to distinguish it from another prescribed for pulmonary arterial hypertension problems.

How Tadalafil Works

Tadalafil increases blood flow and chemical releases during arousal into the penile region.  The penis develops an erection that lasts through sexual without becoming flaccid. The effect of using the medicine can stay in the body for up to 36 hours, but an erection will not last for all the hours. Users need sexual stimulation to become erect.

How Do I Use Tadalafil

Doctors prescribe Tadalafil in two ways depending on individual needs. The first way is taking when needed to boost sex. Take around 30 minutes before sex. The effect on sexual performance can last up to 36 hours.

The second way is taking Tadalafil regularly to treat ED. You take a tablet daily. Sexual activity can take place between doses.

Dosage taken as needed.

The usual dosage is 10 mg, but a doctor can reduce it if the medicine works well or increase it to 20mg if you do not get the desired results.



Treat ED Now With Tadalafil

Uses of Tadalafil

Tadalafil treats erectile dysfunction and urination difficulties due to a condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy. Often Cialis refers Tadalafil for treating ED to distinguish it from another prescribed for pulmonary arterial hypertension problems.

How Tadalafil Works

Tadalafil increases blood flow and chemical releases during arousal into the penile region.  The penis develops an erection that lasts through sexual without becoming flaccid. The effect of using the medicine can stay in the body for up to 36 hours, but an erection will not last for all the hours. Users need sexual stimulation to become erect.

How Do I Use Tadalafil

Doctors prescribe Tadalafil in two ways depending on individual needs. The first way is taking when needed to boost sex. Take around 30 minutes before sex. The effect on sexual performance can last up to 36 hours.

The second way is taking Tadalafil regularly to treat ED. You take a tablet daily. Sexual activity can take place between doses.

Dosage taken as needed.

The usual dosage is 10 mg, but a doctor can reduce it if the medicine works well or increase it to 20mg if you do not get the desired results.

Daily dosage

The dosage starts at 2.5 mg daily, but a doctor can recommend 5mg if the lowest dose does not produce the desired effect. Take the same time daily, but do not take another tablet between doses because you want to engage in sexual activity.

Swallow a whole tablet with water without splitting or crushing. You can take it with or without food.

Tadalafil Warning and Side Effects

  • Do not change the dosage without a doctor’s advice.
  • Do not take Tadalafil if you use nitrate drugs to treat other conditions because it might cause a sudden decrease in blood pressure.
  • Avoid alcohol, grapefruit and grapefruit juice. They cause low blood pressure upon interacting with Tadalafil and maybe other side effects.
  • For safety, tell your doctor if you have other medical conditions or taking medicine.

Mild Side Effects: Headache, flushing, heartburn, muscle and back pain. Most disappear within days or weeks but require a doctor’s attention if they do not. Also, report if they become severe.

Serious side effects:  It is rare to hear of serious side effects. Stop taking medicine and quickly consult a doctor if you experience severe effects, which may include the following.

  • Prolonged erection lasting over 4 hours
  • Troubled hearing or vision
  • Dizziness
  • Change in blood pressure
  • Allergic reaction
  • Pain or pressure in the chest spreading towards the shoulder or jaw

Stop ED from hampering your sex enjoyment. Buy Tadalafil from mdawa.com

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